HIT Motto


HIT Branding Workshop

The Institute`s senior management and heads of various departments recently convened for branding workshop which was addressed by the Acting Vice Chancellor Engineer Q.C Kanhukamwe .

The Vice Chancellor explained the importance of the HIT brand in relation to the Institute`s national mandate of rapid national industrialization through transfer of technology and its commercialization. He said that the HIT brand is like a relay baton that everyone should kept being passed on to everyone in all the Institute`s departments and even more to all those new people who come to join the Institute so that they appreciate and understand the brand.

“Let’s not lose sight of the mandate that we are part and parcel of a national solution. And for that to happen the HIT name must continue to maintain its integrity”, he said.

The workshop was organized by the Communications and International Relations Department which is the custodian of the HIT brand for everyone to understand the importance of Institute`s brand and its mandate. The Department is currently in the process of compiling a HIT brand Manual.