HIT School of business and management science

Electronic Payment Systems

Payment systems are the glue that cement transactions that happen online. Consumers are becoming more and more comfortable making purchases online. Electronic Payment Systems make it easier for businesses to sell goods and services on the internet, enabling firms to run web-based transactions online in real time. In the electronic commerce practice, the online electronic payment is the electronic commerce essential link, also is the foundation condition which electronic commerce can smoothly develop. The on-line electronic payment is the electronic commerce development core, is completes on the net the transaction essential step, also is at present restricts the domestic network application development a bottleneck

The courses to do with e-governance and cyber law will review (a) traditional legal issues surrounding business in an electronic format and the challenges of the advent of digital technologies, concerning particularly the identification of jurisdiction, the formal validity of electronic transactions, security and authentication, contract formation and electronic payment systems, and online consumer protection issues; (b) digital convergence and content regulation,; (c) the legal discipline of technological applications in the contexts of the public sector, smart cities and open democracy; and frameworks to support and enable digital tools to the advantage of creative industries and economic growth.

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