About HIT
Our History
Harare Institute of Technology (HIT) was granted degree awarding status in 2005 with the promulgation of the Harare Institute of Technology Act {Chapter 25:26}. Harare Institute of Technology is the hub of technology development and delivery of quality technology programmes at undergraduate and postgraduate level. HIT is Zimbabwe’s most energetic and responsive institute offering unparalleled educational opportunities for those seeking highest quality undergraduate, postgraduate and continuous professional development. It is at the forefront of growing Zimbabwe’s industrial base and natural resources beneficiation.

Vice Chancellor's Welcome Statement
Allow me to welcome you all to this mirror site of the Harare Institute of Technology, Zimbabwe’s growing Innovation and Technopreneurial University. As we continue to build this great Institution, we provide a foundation for the strategies that allow for the budding of a new model of technological education that speaks and bears testimony of our profound strict adherence to our mandate of developing, incubating transferring and commercialising technology for our nation’s rapid industrialisation.
Since its inception, HIT has been operating on a terrain characterised by change and some uncertainty, features that have given us the freedom to shape the future of the Institute in a way that is both meaningful and appropriate using our disruptive innovation model. We are guided by the following fundamentals: –
- The need to develop HIT as a leader in technology based on multidisciplinary research and learning, taking advantage of alliances with the growing technology companies and research institutions in the country and beyond;
- The need to meet the lifelong learning demand of non-traditional methods and building new configurations of learning through technologies, thus making HIT a laboratory and workshop for delivering a truly global learning experience;
- Develop HIT into a diverse and complex institution that specialises in: Science, Engineering, Technology, Technopreneurship, Business and Management Sciences, Professional and Collaborative programmes including technical pedagogy;
- Position HIT as a world class Institute, in the vanguard of availing new technologies responsive to national strategic areas and capable of developing and delivering programmes flexibly, effectively and efficiently, thus enhancing our status as a technological institution of the highest calibre offering programmes and undertaking research in niche areas, at levels comparable with the best available anywhere.
In doing so we are guided by our strategic plan, Designing the Future: Vision 2020 document. In this roadmap, Innovation in technology is the touchstone of all our activities as we mould and produce a new generation of technology cadres that are hands-on, competency and proficiency driven as well as having the stamina to venture into and set up hi-tech business enterprises.
To the potential students, we promise to offer you the opportunity to realise your destiny by offering an unparalleled educational experience. To industry and commerce, we offer a smart partnership platform. To the international community, HIT promises a conducive environment of innovation and creativity where technology and engineering thrives with ability to make major global impact through production of commercialisable intellectual property.
Vision & Values
Our Destiny
To be the stimulant of scholarship in innovation.
Our Cause
To cultivate commitment towards technopreneurial leadership.
Our Calling
To commercialise technology through professionalism rooted in integrity.
Our Core Values
- Innovation
- Leadership
- Integrity
- Commitment
- Professionalism