Student Affairs

The Student Affairs Division develops students into cultured citizens. It continually ensures that the environment of the student always remains educational in order to make every experience a lesson that makes students better individuals in the wider world. As a guide, seventy-five percent of activities are a result of student input.
The above conceptual framework requires that Student Affairs and institutional professionals regard a student as a valued client. Students are expected to reciprocate by exhibiting a desire to acquire new knowledge and to developing a sober approach to challenges. Students are expected to offer solutions or alternatives to challenges they meet.
All Student Affairs Division activities seek to develop and add value to the students’ learning experience as a key stakeholder within the Institute community. Student Affairs Division has structures to create a learning Environment. We abide by the Institute Destiny; “To be stimulant of Scholarship in Innovation”
We pronounce our stand through our Destiny, Cause and Calling thus;
DESTINY: To be the catalyst in Student Development issues.
CAUSE : To develop students into cultured citizens
CALLING: To empower students so they can operate effectively in society
In endeavouring to achieve our vision, and effectively fulfil our mandate, we shall uphold the following core values:
Accountability: We believe as innovators, we have an obligation to justify our ideas, actions and decisions. Each member in this concept is a leader; responsible for the outcomes of their initiative. Accountability sustains trust especially, where an initiative has yielded diverging views.
Equity: All customers will be treated with integrity according to their needs.
Sensitivity: We shall remain committed to our work; and yet uphold empathetic understanding of our clients.
Quality: We shall ensure that professional standards are maintained in student development programmes andour services
Synergy: We believe that the interaction of elements when combined, produce a total effect that is greater than the sum of the individual elements. In participation and networking with all clients, stakeholders and partners as a collective, we produce results not obtainable by any one of the individual elements alone.
Based on this philosophy and values, we commit ourselves to making the Harare Institute of Technology the incubator for innovative responsible, mature and enlightened citizens who will play their meaningful roles in Zimbabwe and the global village. The Student Affairs Division assumes a student development orientation as opposed to student control or even a student services approach. This perspective basically suggests that:-
- The Division facilitates holistic development of the student;
- It favours a pro-active and preventative approach, rather than a reactive or remedial one;
- There is an adult to adult partnership between staff and students;
- Engages dialogue and persuasion as key elements of communication and interaction;
- Coordinates programmes that help develop students’ potential;
- Aims to create a learning environment through its programmes and resources.
The Student Affairs Division Office is led by the Dean of Students. The Divisional Office has a pivotal role to play in ensuring the realisation of the strategic goals. Students are free to bring their welfare concerns to the Dean of Students at any time. The Division is also the custodian of the Institutes’ traditions, as expressed through the design and development of Institute symbols of Song, Prayer, Constitutions and others. The following are the Departments established to empower and assist students to partake in activities.