Principal Officers

Mr Jasper Lee Maenzanise
Mr Jasper Lee Maenzanise holds a BA from University of Zimbabwe, a post graduate diploma in Library & Information Studies (PGDLIS) from the University of Botswana and a Master of Information Studies from the University of Natal (now University of KwaZulu-Natal), Pietermaritzburg in South Africa. He joined the LIS profession in 1985 soon after graduating from the University of Zimbabwe and has worked at various levels in his professional career from being an Assistant Librarian at Belvedere Technical Teachers College (1985-1990) to the post of Director of Library and Information Services at the Zimbabwe Open University (ZOU), 1999-2009 and to being the Institute Librarian at the Harare Institute of Technology (HIT) from 2011 to this day.
His main areas of research include Knowledge Management (KM) and work place development as Learning Organisations, Continuous Professional Development (CPD) of staff, Information Seeking Patterns of Users, Open Access (OA), Open Educational Resources (OERs) and Open Data as new scholarly communication models supporting scientific and scholarly research, and the use of Social Media Technologies for educational and research purposes.