Principal Officers

Doctor Engineer Quinton C. Kanhukamwe – Vice Chancellor
Prof. Eng. Kanhukamwe holds a PhD (Eng) and an MSc (Eng) and is a member of the following professional bodies; Institute of Industrial Engineers (MIIE-USA), Institute of Cast Metals Engineers (MICME-UK), Professional Engineer- Engineering Council of Zimbabwe (Pr Eng ZwIE and F, ZwIE,).
Prof. Eng. Kanhukamwe is the current Board Chairman for Zimbabwe United Passenger Company (ZUPCO), a board member of the Engineering Council of Zimbabwe, a member of World Technopolis Association (WTA), Southern Africa Regional Universities Association (SARUA), Association of African Universities (AAU), Oxford Club of Rectors, Zimbabwe Institution of Engineers, a Senator with the Junior Chamber International JCI, and a proponent of the innovation and technopreneurship philosophy and practice.
Prof. Eng. Kanhukamwe’s research interests are in Technology Management, Modern Manufacturing Techniques, Systems and Processes Engineering, Materials Management Systems, Optimisation of Cleaner Production in Manufacturing Industries, Maintenance Management as well as Properties of Manufacturing Materials